Isnin, Jun 30, 2008

percaya pd Rasulullah


Masa tgh drive smalam, IKIM pasang lagu Hijrah by Nowseeheart. Ade part lirik dia yg menyebabkan hati btul2 tersenth which is:

Mereka tak punya apa
Harta sanak saudara
Tetapi mereka percaya
Hanya janji Rasulnya

Memang sangat touching le plak bile dengar lagu yg dah jarang2 dengar ni dan hayati lirik balik.
Bile terbayang balik mcm mane para sahabat Rasulullah waktu hijrah tu sanggup tinggalkan family n harta diaorg..pastu tpaksa berhijrah plak. Memang kalo nak fikirkan, macam kita la..tetibe ade one guy ni kata "ok..marilah kita keluar dari Malaysia. Tinggalkan semua harta2 dan keluarga yg ada. Bawak pakaian yg perlu je. InsyaAllah ada ganjaran pahala yg besar". Woh. Fikir 2-3 kali gakla kan nak buat ke tak?

Tapi keyakinan para sahabat ni memang mengaggumkan la. Yang kaya sanggup tinggalkan harta mereka semata2 mencintai Allah & Rasulnye.

Kita zaman skang ni? Bape ramai yg percaya pada janji Rasul kita dalam hadith2? Kadang2 kita ni pandai je kata "cinta pada Rasul"..tapi bile nak suruh buktikan..susah la pulak kan?

Sedih. Menginsafi diri.

Khamis, Jun 19, 2008

tagged plak~

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Lover? Kekasih? Kekasihku Rasulullah..he won’t betray me for sure..
#2. If you can have a dream comes true, what would it be?
Travel around the world..and see Allah’s creation/miracles

Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before you: travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth. (3:137)
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Never dreamed of anything more than a normal one. As long as families and friends come..the more the merrier ~
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Not really. Frankly speaking..i leave my future to Allah. Including my future wife and plans after graduate. Well..i have plans la..but I leave Allah to choose which one will be the best.
#5. What’s your ideal lover like?
Ideal? Yeah. My lover, Rasulullah is an ideal yet practical man.
But if this question refers to lover in opposite long as she can hold Islam (the real Islam ye..not Islam by name) till her last breath and willing to sacrifice her husband and sons to be syuhada’. Hoho. Too ideal ke?
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving stated by lot’s of hadeeths.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
Wait? Tah. Do u wait for love? Have I misunderstood about love or what?
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Attached here means what? Bertunang or married? Ape kejadahnye soalan ini?! Kan takleh kaco line orang. Belajar berakhlak sket..
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days ?
I don’t usually remember unhappy events. POSITIVE THINKING LA~
#10. What do you want most in life?
Maradhatillah. (ni bukan nama orang tau..)
#11. Is being tagged fun ?
Sometimes..haha..soalan ni macam dah takde question lain je..lawak2.
#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time ?
I can talk Chinese..haha..ameen2
#13. Who is the current most important person to you?
My mom a.k.a Ummy
#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ?
#15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
Married but poor. Actually sejak minyak naik ni, smua orang is like being poor. Haha.
#16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ?
A fish. Sebab tenang tengok berenang dalam air. Tapi nak yg takyah nyusahkan hidup utk membersihkan tangki slalu.
#17. What is the one thing which you would prefer not to do ?
Leave this path..may Allah help me.
#18. What kind of person do u think u are ?
I think...i easily mix with people..i think la..
#19. What do you define as a bad day ?
A day where daughters being frightened or raped..fathers being thrown into prison..mothers cry for their freedom..babies shot by guns..sons killed just bcoz they throw stones. Guess where these happen?
#20. If you have to choose between love (as in boy-girl relationships) and friendship, what would it be ?
FRIENDSHIP! Ukhuwwah fits me better rite now

Personally i hate tag question related to love. As if there's no other questions to ask. Heh. Maybe i should come out with another beneficial tag for our bloggers..maybe?

Thanx nyway who tagged me. Sorry but i choose to 'die out' this tag questions here. Thanx for reading nway.

Rabu, Jun 18, 2008

Celcom..tolongla jgn jadi penipu..dosa besar!

Tah pape celcom nih. 5 jun haritu dengan yakinnya bos celcom ni cakap “Jika wujud unsur-unsur perjudian atau apa juga yang haram dalam promosi Celcom, saya akan menjadi orang pertama yang akan menentang penganjuran promosi seperti itu”.

Pastu kata celclom kata pihaknya telah membuat kajian yang menyeluruh termasuk merujuk fatwa mengenai produk telekomunikasi sebelum memutuskan untuk menganjurkan promosi yang bukan berasaskan nasib itu.

Hari ni plak..

Peraduan '100 hari 100 kereta' haram: Jakim

Nampak sangat tak reti nak buat kajian kot? Snanye byk mufti2 pn dah haramkan. Termasuk ustaz2 yg dah komen panjang lebar pasal peraduan ni. Tapi dok degil gak konon2 mufti dan ustaz2 ni salah...tak faham cara sebenar peraduan tu dibuat.

Tapi akhirnya, yg haq tetap menjadi haq dan yg batil tetap menjadi batil.

Pengajarannya: Buat kajian betul2/refer sumber syariah dengan betul2 dahulu..sblm nak memandai kuar statement. Ape jadi kalo bos macam ni..belum pape..nak selamatkan peraduan dah kuar statement akhbar yg yakin habis la tak bersalah.

Pengajaran utk kita jugak. Dalam nak mengeluarkan pape statement especially melibatkan aqidah, syariah ke..pape lah berkaitan Islam..tolongla buat refrence sumber yg sahih dlu. Nanti buat malu diri je.

Pape pun, ok gakla celcom ngaku salah dan berhentikan peraduan tu..walaupun dah bape juta pelanggan terkena penipuan celcom dan 12 orang dah menang kete camry tuh.

Haih~ pe la nasib.

me: one of celcom user gak..apesal la korang menipu ni??

Isnin, Jun 02, 2008

Sementara sempat..

1. Plans for coming weekend?
Programs..programs..dan programs.. (can't wait!)
2. Significant event for today?
My 1st day as a trainee. Heh. Dah prektikal rupanya saya nih. For 8 months~ (thanx UTP for giving us this long opportunity)
3. Favourite food?
Mcm tak muat je nak list. I prefer rice than mee.
4. Are you a TV freak?
Alhamdulillah no. Sejak masuk asrama dan Uni yg susah utk jmpe TV. Tapi skali tengok kadang2 bleh terleka gak kot. So better not.
5. Chocolates or roses?
Of kos la Choclate. Takkan nak pilih roses kot?!
6. Do you mind spending money for your loved ones?
Nop. Tapi tu depend kalo ade duit gakla kan.
7. If you were to own a car, what is it?
'A brand new-doesn't give u much problem' car..
8. Do you usually keep all your promises?
I'll try my best insyaAllah..
9. What if your boyfriend/girfriend happens to confess that he/she has fallen for someone else?
What's the definition of boyfriend/girlfriend here? Ikut tafsiran yg terus Boyfriend = kawan lelaki. If my kawan lelaki confess he has fallen for someone else..bagusla! takkan dia nak fall for me kot!? Kalau kawan perempuan, i'll ask "bile nak kawin?"
10. What do you do if you cant sleep?
Baca buku..i can read books smpi tetido..
11. How many friends do you have?
12. Last person you talked on the phone?
Kak MJ. Pasal duit business.
13. Two names of people you love.
1. Rasulullah..moga Allah suburkan lagi kecintaanku pada baginda
My Ummy..Queen of my heart~
14. If we open your bag, what will we find?
Bag? What bag? Laptop bag ke??
15. Your sister/brother wants to borrow your clothes. How?
How? Ask permission la..adoi. Takkan nak suruh buat surat rasmi and wait for approval within 2-3 days plak?
16. Your bestfriend falls for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Takde soalan lain yg lebih bagus kah??
17. Are you comfortable going out with opposite gender often?
My mom & sisters are opposite genders n i love going out with them..haha!
18. Horror, romantic, comedy, action movies.which do you prefer?
Action movies & comedy.
19. If a man says u'r ugly,what would u do?
Say "Thank you for praising Allah and His creation"
20. Do you mind going for a reunion?
I'm one of the organizers kot every time? What's suppose to be my answer here~?!
21. Do you love your job?
Baru stat keje sehari..dahla supervisor MC hari ni..haha
22. Are you a type of person who always gives in?
Depends on the situation..
23. Are you a good driver?
How do u define good driver? Yg ikut undang2 jalan raya ke? Kalu ya, i'll answer NO la coz bape kali tah langgar speed limits. 110 highway..heh..
24. Last prize you won?
can't remember..
25. Do you like ballet?
NO! Not a slight interest at all..
26. Milk or coffee?
I'd prefer milk. Coffee..not good 4 ur health la..
27. Meat or vegetables?
Depends on the type n how they cook it..
28. 3 words to describe yourself.
Expert secret keeper

I dun like tagging others i won't pass this around. Thanx by the way to the person yg telah mencabar saya utk membuat survey ini.

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